Partners & Supporters
The Daily Mile would like to extend its sincerest thanks to all the below partners & supporters who help us implement the programme across the World.
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Corporate Partners
The Daily Mile campaign is supported by title sponsor INEOS, which passionately believes in the importance of getting children active and healthy from a young age.
The Daily Mile campaign is supported by media partner ITV, which is an integrated broadcaster and the largest commercial television network in the UK.
The MTM Agency manage The Daily Mile websites and assist the Foundation with branding and design.
Media Zoo is a London-based communications agency that assists The Daily Mile with with public relations and the creation of digital and social media content.
Potter Clarkson LLP are patent and trademark attorneys and IP lawyers, and one of the largest full service intellectual property practices in Europe.
Linklaters LLP is a multinational law firm headquartered in London that assists The Daily Mile with day-to-day practices, advice, Terms & Conditions, Partnership Agreements and Trademark Permissions.
Implementation Partners
The Welsh Government is the devolved Government for Wales, working to help improve the lives of people in Wales and make the nation a better place in which to live and work.
Public Health Wales is the national public health agency in Wales and exists to protect and improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities for people in Wales.
Jongeren Op Gezond Gewicht (JOGG), or Youth at a Healthy Weight, is the founder and executive partner of The Daily Mile Netherlands. JOGG works with local authorities, schools, parents, sports clubs, businesses, governments and health care providers to create a society in which children grow up with a healthy image of nutrition and exercise.
Active Scotland embodies Scotland’s ambitions for sport and physical activity. Active Scotland Outcomes contribute to the delivery of National Outcomes and ultimately to the Scottish Government’s overarching purpose of creating a more successful country, with opportunities for all to flourish.
Athletics Ireland is the national governing body for Athletics in the Republic of Ireland. Their primary objective is to promote and develop the sport at every level, through initiatives like The Daily Mile, from recreational running and schools competitions through to supporting Ireland’s elite athletes in international competition.
Golazo‘s aim is to get as many people involved in Sport and Physical Activity as possible. This is done through organising more than 250 sporting events in Belgium and abroad, as well as sports promotion programmes. Additionally, Energy Lab gives everyone the chance to be guided during the preparation for an event, with the focus being on training and nutrition.
INEOS’ own children’s running initiative, GO Run For Fun, provides free 2km fun runs to schoolchildren across the UK, Europe and beyond.
The National Parent Forum of Scotland works in partnership with national and local government and other organisations involved in education and child well-being issues to ensure that parents play a full and equal role in education. The overall aim is to help every child to maximise their potential through their school life.
The All-Party Parlimentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood (APPG) is an associate consultancy specialising in engaging with the United Kingdom Government’s Policy Development, of which The Daily Mile is a member and contributor. Their purpose is to ‘promote evidence based discussion and produce reports on all aspects of childhood health and well-being including obesity; to inform policy decisions and public debate relating to childhood; and to enable communications between interested parties and relevant parliamentarians’.
Digimap for Schools is a fun, engaging digital resource that is the perfect classroom accompaniment to The Daily Mile. Digimap for Schools is an educational resource delivered by EDINA at the University of Edinburgh.
“Like all really good ideas, The Daily Mile is simple and easy to implement. I was blown away by the enthusiasm of parents, staff and - most importantly – pupils for the concept. If all schools adopted it, we'd have an incredibly powerful antidote to the ills resulting from physical inactivity that plague modern day Scotland”
Dr. Aileen Keel CBE, Acting Chief Medical Officer for Scotland