Fybough National School, Castlemaine, Co Kerry

Fact File

Where we are: Fybough National School, Castlemaine, Co Kerry

How many students participate? The whole school (34) students participate


Our Experience of The Daily Mile

We decided to do The Daily Mile three mornings a week – first thing in the morning before we begin lessons.

We decided to do it now because we found very early on that children are more awake and ready for work after The Daily Mile.

Children also seem more focused on work and better able to concentrate once they get back in from doing the run.

We are a small rural school with 2 teachers and 34 students. The whole school participates in The Daily Mile. We do The Daily Mile in the school playground and the school pitch.




Benefits of The Daily Mile

The Daily Mile links with maths -measures time, geography we are running around our county.

It has been interesting to see the children really embrace The Daily Mile and give full effort to it.

We introduced ‘Runner of the Month’ to try to encourage kids who preferred to walk rather than run.

‘A well worthwhile programme, It is really fun and is really great to do’ Kyle.

‘It is great because in the morning it wakes me up’ Paul.