Listellick National School – Tralee, Co.Kerry
Listellick National School
Fact File
Where we’re based: Listellick, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland
School Roll: 224
How many pupils take part in The Daily Mile: 224
Month/Year we started The Daily mile: November, 2017
Where do we do The Daily Mile? In our school playgrounds
A brief description of your school?
Our schol is an urban/rural school situated on the edge of the town of Tralee. We are a single stream school with 8 classes from Junior Infants to Sixth class.
Since starting The Daily Mile, what differences, if any, have you noticed in the children and across your school?
• The pupils have better concentration and are calmer after it.
• The children are very enthusiastic about it and have more energy after it.
• They have progressed from walking to running and seem to be getting fitter.
• Better attitude by the children towards running and walking
• When we do it first thing in the morning the class seem more settled
Did you encounter any barriers to getting started with The Daily Mile or whilst implementing The Daily Mile in your school? If yes, how did you overcome them?
• It is very weather dependent. If the day was very bad we did exercise in the classroom as we do not have a hall.
• The Daily Mile was well organised in the school – timetabling etc.
What has been the reported impact of The Daily Mile on the children’s learning, concentration, focus, behaviour, mood and relationships?
• Children are happier
• Mood is uplifted when we are back in class
• It wakes them up and contributes to higher levels of concentration in class.
• Socially, I see the children doing the mile with different peers every day. They are forming new friendships.
• Their focus and concentration has improved.
• Very positive – the children love it. They are very disappointed if they can’t
do it.
• They learn to respect others as they run in a group.
• It’s a good break for Senior Infants and I use it as a transition between lessons.
Can you tell us about any successful links you have made between The Daily Mile and your curriculum?
• Maths – counting the laps and time links
• PE – running, jogging, walking and importance of keeping active
• English- oral language- heart rate, exercise, laps
• SPHE- healthy habits
• History – running, marathon
Do you have any individual success stories of pupils or staff members you would like to share with us?
• I try to complete the Daily Mile as part of my daily 10,000 step target
• As a group the class seem to bond better as they have a common goal
• As the teacher I enjoy it myself. I often walk with one or two children and it gives me a chance to catch up on a one to one level with them.
• There’s a child with Cystic Fibrosis in my class and at the beginning he found it hard to run 3 laps without stopping. However, over the months he has made great progress and can now do it very well.
• Some pupils don’t get exercise when they go home. This may be the only exercise they get and they really enjoy it.
Do you have any tips for other schools looking to get started?
• Very enjoyable experience
• No equipment needed and very easy to start
• Just do it
• Do not look for reasons for not doing it. Facilities should not be a problem
• All children are included
• We found having a timetable helped us
• Exercise inside on wet days
• Go for it. It requires minimal effort and you get great results
Any other comments?
• The children love it. They always remind me if we don’t get out for it.
• Some children don’t look forward to it but once they are out there doing they enjoy it.
• It’s a great idea
To find out more about Listellick National School please visit their website: or Facebook page.